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The Information Source for the Drug Discovery Industry

Welcome to Drug Discovery Online, the first Internet site devoted exclusively to drug discovery and early-stage drug development.

Drug Discovery Online covers drug discovery like no other Internet site. Each day we present the most interesting, useful feature stories, case studies, industry news, and newswire feeds related to the science and business of discovering new drugs. Throughout the year Drug Discovery Online presents news and opinions on the latest discovery technology, from organic synthesis and the manual isolation of new compounds from exotic plants, to combinatorial chemistry and high-throughput screening.

But Drug Discovery Online is more than an online trade publication. Like other VertMarkets sites, Drug Discovery Online is a true Internet community. Scientists, executives, and equipment suppliers visit Drug Discovery Online each day to check for news, look for jobs, learn about new products, find out what their competitors are up to, and participate in our discussion forums. Those who don't have time to visit Drug Discovery Online each day can subscribe to our free newsletter, which is e-mailed directly to your desktop every week.

In addition to being the premier Internet site for information on drug discovery, Drug Discovery Online is also the best place to shop for laboratory equipment and technical books.

With the founding of Drug Discovery Online, our parent company, VertMarkets, Inc., has filled an important gap between two other VertMarkets sites: Bioprocess Online, for professionals in the basic biological sciences, and Pharmaceutical Online, devoted to pharmaceutical manufacturing.

If you have any comments or questions, please contact us at info@drugdiscoveryonline.com.

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